Re: XInclude 1.1 implementation

On 2015-11-11 11:06, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> I'm looking at doing this myself, by editing Richard's existing
> implementation.
> Further to the call just now, am I right in thinking that the most
> important things to do are
>   1) Support new 'fragid' attribute
>   2) Support whole-document-as-text inclusion
>   3) Support attribute copying
> ?

What I see as 1.1 additions are:

1.  fragid attribute in general
1a.  support for a fragid value that is a [IETF RFC 5147]
      fragment identifier (into text/plain content)
2.  attribute copying including use of the local-attributes
2a.  support for set-xml-id
3.  treating values of the parse attribute other than xml
     and text as a recoverable error.

I'm not sure what whole-document-as-text inclusion is.
We already had parse="text".  Perhaps you are suggesting
adding support for fragid but not supporting a fragid
value that is a [IETF RFC 5147] fragment identifier.

I cannot tell from reading the spec whether support
for RFC 5147 is required.  It isn't mentioned under
Application Conformance, but the description of fragid,
it says "for text processing, [the fragid value] is
interpreted as a [IETF RFC 5147] fragment identifier"
and it doesn't discuss what to do if an implementation
doesn't support that.  I suppose if we don't get two
implementations to support RFC 5147, we would have to
make support for fragid when parse="text" optional.


Received on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 17:57:17 UTC