XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2013 July 2

The XML Core WG telcons are every other week.

Our next telcon will be July 10.

We expect to have a new XInclude 1.1 draft ready by
July 8 at the latest. Please review and comment when
it becomes available. The plan will be to approve it
during our July 10 telcon for release to the commentors
for their acceptance of our resolutions.

Status and open actions

XML Activity AC Review
The XML Activity AC review was open through April 26.
To date, we haven't heard from W3M, but we expect to
be rechartered.

It has been suggested that the XML Normalization spec
from XML Security WG--presently an editor's draft at
--be added to our charter.

We don't feel that we would have the time, energy, or
expertise if none of the existing editors join the WG.

However, as of the XML CG telcon on June 17, it appeared
that there was a volunteer or two to join the WG and do
the work, so it appears that we will be chartered to do
the XML Normalization spec.

With respect to the XML Schema SCUDs spec, Henry suggests that if
Sandy Gao and Mary Holstege were willing to join the XML Core WG, he'd
actually be interested in carrying that forward to REC. As things
currently stand, the Schema WG intends to publish it simply as a Note.

We will discuss this next time when both Henry and Liam are present.

xmlspec.xsl and diffspec.xsl
Paul sent email about this at

ACTION to Norm:  Come up with (and implement) a plan to
reorganize xmlspec.xsl and diffspec.xsl to "do the right thing."

XML Media types (3023bis)
Henry is co-editor. The latest draft is at
with a diff version at

A DoC is at

Norm and Paul commented:

XInclude 1.1
On 2012 February 14, we published
XInclude 1.1 Requirement and Use Cases

On 9 October 2012, we published our FPWD of XInclude 1.1 at

On 15 January 2013, we published our (first) Last Call of
XInclude 1.1 at
and Paul sent the transition announcement at
(also cc-ing the chairs mailing list).

Norm already has an implementation.

ACTION to Norm:  Create an Implementation Report document
for XInclude 1.1.

Norm is maintaining a DoC at

We have less than a half dozen comments, none of them
appearing difficult/substantial.  We have charged the
editor with producing a new editor's draft addressing
the comments.

ACTION to Norm:  Create a new draft in time for review
at the July 10 telcon.  Have a diff version diffed against
the previously published (LC) XInclude 1.1 draft.  Put
both in public (www.w3.org/XML/Group/2013/) space.

Once the WG has a chance to see the new draft, we will
send email to the commentors asking for their approval
of our disposition.  Then...

ACTION to Norm:  Augment the DoC with dispositions and

Assuming we decide there were no substantive changes, we
will plan to publish the next version as a CR.

Liam reminds us we also need a test suite.

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2013 12:10:22 UTC