On 2013-01-23 10:40, Norman Walsh wrote:
> Henry: Head's up: it has been reported on the HTML mailing list, that 
> DOM4 has removed (or deprecated) access to the XML Declaration. Our 
> Infoset spec says that standalone, version, and the encoding are part 
> of the information content of an XML document. We may want to push 
> back on that. 

I see at
that it says:

  The remainder of interfaces and interface members listed
  in this section were removed to simplify the DOM platform.
  Implementations conforming to this specification will not
  support them.

  It is not yet clear if it would be web-compatible to remove
  all the following features. The editors welcome any data
  showing that some of these features should be reintroduced.

  . . .

  Interface members:

  . . .


         . . .
         . . .

I'm not sure what the point of DOM4 really is or what the
comment about being "web-compatible" means, but if we want
DOM4 to be able to support the XML Infoset, it sounds like
we should ask that these three members be added back to the
Document interface.

I suppose someone should go through the list in section 10.2
to see if any of the other deleted interfaces or interface
members are also needed to support the Infoset.



Received on Monday, 28 January 2013 17:05:09 UTC