XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2012 February 28

The XML Core WG telcons are every other week.

Our next telcon will be 2012 March 7.

Status and open actions

xml-stylesheet and HTML5
Hnery took an action to file a bug about xml-stylesheet
handling.  Done:

Henry has done a lot more testing and filing of results to date.
Henry's tests are at
You need to look at the README and README2 files there.

The CSS2 spec says something about styling XML with CSS.
Henry also notes http://www.w3.org/Style/styling-XML.en.html.

ACTION to Henry: File a bug against the HTML5 spec saying that
it should support styling XML with CSS.

issues with the Polyglot draft:  BOM
Henry sent email with various potential issues at

We discussed the point about the spec recommending [P1] the use of
the UTF-8 BOM.

[P1] http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-xhtml-author-guide/#character-encoding

Henry thinks we converged on this in email on Wednesday 11 January:

ACTION: Henry to file an issue against Polyglot about the BOM.

issues with the Polyglot draft:  xml:space and xml:base
See the minutes at
for the discussion.

ACTION: Henry to draft an issue regarding xml:space and xml:base in
the Polyglot draft for WG review.

XInclude 1.1
On 2012 February 14, we published
XInclude 1.1 Requirement and Use Cases
summarizing the requirements and use cases for possible
enhancements to XInclude addressing the issues:

* @xpointer when parse="text"
* copying attributes from the xinclude element to the root
  included element

Before producing an XInclude 1.1, we will need an amended
charter as indicated by Ian at

We should wait to see what if any feedback we get from the
published requirements and use cases and then, if we want
to go ahead with an XInclude 1.1, we should look into amending
our charter.

ACTION to Norm:  Publicize the XInclude 1.1 Requirement and
Use Cases WG Note to potentially interested parties (e.g.,
the DocBook TC and others--would the XProc WG have any
interest?) and see if you can drum up any feedback.

Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 15:06:30 UTC