Re: Extending XInclude

On 4.10.2011 18:30, Norman Walsh wrote:
> Defining id-fixup along the lines suggested by the DocBook TC required
> two things:
> 1. The ability to find where the XInclusions occurred.
> 2. The ability to add author-specified annotations to those roots.
> On the whole, I think we could justify fixing point 1 in XInclude
> without biting off the "id fixup" question ourselves in XInclude.
> I'm much less confident that we can justify point 2 without having
> the larger use case in mind.
> What's more, the actual mechanism I chose, pushing attributes from the
> xi:include element down into the included content seems like a total
> hack.

Alternatively we can use processing instructions for this. It will be
still hack, but it wouldn't intercept XInclude processing, something like:

<?transclude prefix="c1" id="refid1"?>
<xi:include href="chap1.xml"/>

<?transclude prefix="c2" idfixup="prefix" linkscope="local"?>
<xi:include href="chap2.xml"/>

> Perhaps. I think the first question to answer is whether or not we
> think my hack for migrating attributes from xi:include down into
> content is something we could even come close to justifying.

Certainly it is more practical and easier for processing than using PIs
as outlined above.


  Jirka Kosek     e-mail:
  Profesionální školení a poradenství v oblasti technologií XML.
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Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 21:50:29 UTC