Re: Other possible issues with the Polyglot draft

Henry S. Thompson scripsit:

> 3) 'void' elements [3] -- the name is non-standard, and the
>    requirement:
>   "Polyglot markup uses the minimized tag syntax for void elements,
>    e.g. <br/>, rather than the alternative syntax <br></br>."
>    seems unnecessary to me. . .

Void is not synonymous with empty, for an empty element may be merely
contingently empty, whereas a void element is necessarily empty.  However,
the br element is a special case even among void elements, because older
browsers interpret </br> as <br/>, making <br></br> unusable.

John Cowan
All "isms" should be "wasms".   --Abbie

Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2011 15:44:24 UTC