Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2011 March 23

We have an XML Core WG phone call scheduled for Wednesday, 
March 23, from
          08:30-09:00 Pacific time aka
          11:30-12:00 Eastern time aka
          15:30-16:00 UTC 
          15:30-16:00 in Ireland and the UK       <=======!!!!!!!!
          16:30-17:00 in middle (most of) Europe  <=======!!!!!!!!
on the Zakim W3C Bridge, +1 617 761 6200, passcode 9652#.
We also use IRC channel #xmlcore on .

See the XML Core group page [1] for pointers to current documents
and other information.  If you have additions to the agenda, please
email them to the WG list before the start of the telcon.

Please also review our group page's task list [2] for accuracy and
completeness and be prepared to amend if necessary and accept it
at the beginning of the call.


North America has already started daylight as of March 13.
Most of the UK and central Europe start DST Sunday March 27.  
That means that this telcon (March 23) will be one hour earlier 
local time for those not yet on daylight time.

If you're not sure, see:


Jirka, Liam, Daniel, Mohamed give regrets.

1. Accepting the minutes from the last telcon [3] and
   the current task status [2] (have any questions, comments,
   or corrections ready by the beginning of the call).

2. Miscellaneous administrivia and document reviews.

TPAC week
TPAC will be 31 October through 4 November 2011 in Santa Clara
California.  I think we should plan to have a f2f during this
week: - Meeting Overview page.

Please plan to provide best guess "probably will/probably won't/
no way will" attend indications at our telcon.

Probably will:  Paul, Norm, Henry

Charter renewal
Our new charter is out for AC review.  Please urge your AC rep
to reply to the review.

XPointer registry and the xpath() scheme
Norm sent email requesting re-instatement of the xpath() scheme at

The email list to track discussions about this registry is archived at

Liam did something about re-instatement of the xpath() scheme.

***ACTION to Norm:  Check that you are happy with what Liam did
for the xpath() XPointer scheme.

XML Processor Profiles review
There is a substantially reworked XML Processing Model WG's
Last Call Working Draft of "XML processor profiles" at

John and Glenn re-reviewed the latest version
of the XML processor profiles last call draft at
and had a variety of comments at the last telcon.

***ACTION to John, Glenn:  Send your comments on the latest 
version of the XML processor profiles last call draft at
to the Processing Model comments list at

Martin Dürst sent email at
informing us of an update to IRIbis in response to an issue
we raised.  Please see the above referenced email and the
references therein and let the WG know if you have any 
concerns with how our request was handled.

3.  XML 1.0--see

We are creating an XML 1.0 6th Edition and XML 1.1 3rd (or
perhaps 6th) Edition.

ACTION to John:  Update the XML sources for XML 1.0 and 1.1
to reflect any errata and the LEIRI reference.

4.  XML Test Suite.

See also

ACTION to Henry:  Construct a test case for the XML test suite 
issues raised by Frans Englich: 

5.  Namespaces in XML 1.0/1.1--see

6.  LEIRIs--see

We plan to issue the following spec editions referencing LEIRIs:

* XML 1.0 6th Edition
* XML 1.1 3rd Edition
* XInclude 3rd Edition

John wonders if we should call the next edition of XML 1.1 
the 6th Edition to match the XML 1.0 spec.  (No decision yet.)

We decided not to touch XLink 1.0.  XLink 1.1 is already leirified.

John will update the XML sources for XML 1.0 and 1.1.

Paul will update the Xinclude source.

Paul, Norm, and Liam are responsible for dealing with pubrules
and other administrivia.

Paul sent email at
asking for clarification of just we are planning to do in
terms of issuing new editions wrt LEIRIs.  Please see the
email and respond.

7.  xml:id--see

8.  XML Base 2nd Ed--see

9.  XLink 1.1--see

10.  XInclude 3rd Ed--see

We are creating an XInclude 3rd Edition.

ACTION to Paul:  Update the XML sources for Xinclude to reflect 
any errata and the LEIRI reference.

11.  Associating Stylesheets.

See also

AssocSS 2nd Ed is now a Recommendation at

ACTION to Henry: Update the Errata document at

12.  xml-model

See also

This has been published as a WG Note at

We will plan to update our WG Note to reference the ISO spec
once it is officially available. We will also update our Note
to reference the Rec version of AssocSS 2nd Ed.

Jirka reports that the ISO xml-model ballot ends on 2011 April 1st.



Received on Monday, 21 March 2011 15:10:32 UTC