Re: FW: XML grammar error?

John Cowan scripsit:

> There is no ambiguity here.  A - B matches if A matches, provided B does
> not also match what A matches.  The regular expression (in conventional
> notation) /^*]]>*$/ matches any string that contains at least one ']]>'.
> It is ambiguous in the sense that if there are multiple tokens of ']]>'
> in the string, different matchers will match ']]>' in the pattern against
> the first or the last.  But that makes no difference to the meaning of
> the pattern.

Oops, the pattern should be /^.*]]>.*$/.  But I think this ought to be
our official response to this one.

If you understand,                      John Cowan
   things are just as they are;
if you do not understand,     
   things are just as they are.

Received on Monday, 12 December 2011 16:54:21 UTC