XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2011 August 1

The XML Core WG telcons are every other week.

Our next telcon will be 2011 August 10.

Status and open actions

TPAC week
TPAC will be 31 October through 4 November 2011 in Santa Clara
California.  We are planning to have a f2f during this week:
http://www.w3.org/2011/11/TPAC/ - Meeting Overview page.

Registration is now open:
The XML Core WG is meeting Thursday and Friday of the TPAC week.

Likely attendance:

Probably will:  Paul, Norm, Henry, Liam
Maybe:  Mohamed
Most likely won't:  John, Daniel, Jirka, Glenn

Request for explanation of namespaces and attributes
An official request for an explanation of how namespaces affect
attributes an has been sent to xml-editor, archived at

Henry has already made a brief reply at
and Bjoern Hoehrmann made a reply on www-tag at

We should work up an official reply.  Since our next telcon isn't
for two weeks, I'd like to start that in email.

ACTION to Paul:  Come up with a draft explanation of namespaces 
and attributes.

xml-stylesheet and HTML5
Henry started a thread at

In the HTML5 spec, when dealing with the XML prolog, there is
nothing about processing instructions, so it isn't clear that
browsers would pick up the xml-stylesheet PI.

John Cowan said there was another part of the spec that applies
to that process, but Henry hasn't yet followed up on that.

ACTION to Henry:  Research to ensure that the xml-stylesheet PI
is appropriately referenced from HTML5 and/or 3023bis (the XML
media type definition).

Note that 3023bis could say that browsers should reference
Assoc SS and process the SSPI when processing an XML resource.

LEIRIs and new editions
We continue to wait to see what might happen with IRIbis.

XML 1.0 6th Edition and XML 1.1 3rd Edition
ACTION to John:  Update the XML sources for XML 1.0 and 1.1
to reflect any errata and the LEIRI reference.

On hold awaiting resolution of IRIbis.

XInclude 3rd Edition
ACTION to Paul:  Update the XML sources for Xinclude to reflect 
any errata and the LEIRI reference.

On hold awaiting resolution of IRIbis.

Jirka reports he doesn't expect to need another ballot, so
this may soon become an ISO standard.

Some of the comments on the DIS led us to tweak our Note.

Paul prepared an updated draft of the WG Note at

The WG had CONSENSUS to publish XML Model 2nd Ed whose draft is at

ACTION to Paul:  Publish XML Model 2nd Ed WG Note.

Received on Monday, 1 August 2011 14:17:45 UTC