XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2011 April 27

The XML Core WG telcons are every other week.

Our next telcon will be 2011 May 4.  

Status and open actions

TPAC week
TPAC will be 31 October through 4 November 2011 in Santa Clara
California.  I think we should plan to have a f2f during this
week: http://www.w3.org/2011/11/TPAC/ - Meeting Overview page.

Likely attendance:

Probably will:  Paul, Norm, Henry, Liam
Maybe:  Mohamed
Most likely won't:  John, Daniel, Jirka, Glenn

XML Security specs
The XML Security WG has asked the XML Core WG to review its
upcoming specs as referenced below, especially:

Canonical XML Version 2.0,

XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 2.0,

ACTION to Jirka, Norm:  Review the XML Security specs.

Name-escaping spec
Henry sent email at
asking if we should consider producing a WG Note recommending 
an escaping scheme for turning (mostly) arbitrary strings into
XML names as a Best Practice.

LEIRIs and new editions
Paul sent email at
asking for clarification of just we are planning to do in
terms of issuing new editions wrt LEIRIs. 

Paul's latest assumption is that we would have the new editions
point to our WG Note which already says:

 When [IRIbis is published as an RFC], this specification will be
 re-issued to reference it in place of the extracts given below.

We are concerned that the XML specs would be normatively referencing
an RFC through a (non-normative) WG Note, so we're not sure what we
want to do here.

ACTION to Henry:  Ping Larry Masinter (one of the authors of
IRIbis) for the latest on the IRIbis schedule.

XML 1.0 6th Edition and XML 1.1 3rd Edition
ACTION to John:  Update the XML sources for XML 1.0 and 1.1
to reflect any errata and the LEIRI reference.

XInclude 3rd Edition
ACTION to Paul:  Update the XML sources for Xinclude to reflect 
any errata and the LEIRI reference.

Associating Stylesheets
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#assoc-ss

AssocSS 2nd Ed is now a Recommendation at

ACTION to Henry: Update the Errata document at

The ballot has been approved.  There were four comments which
need to be addressed which means there will probably be another
ISO vote.

Some of the comments led us to tweak our Note.

Paul prepared an updated draft of the WG Note at

ACTION to John:  Review the latest xml-model spec at

Jirka will present our disposition of comments to ISO and 
find out whether they need to do another ballot or not.

ACTION to Jirka:  Find out what the next steps will be
for ISO's progression of the XML Model spec.
Jirka, Norm suggest we wait a month or two to see if we need 
to do anything else before we publish it as a new edition.

John suggests we publish it now.  Paul isn't sure.

ACTION to Paul:  Consider publishing a new edition of
our xml-model WG Note (probably no earlier than the 
May 10 timeframe).

Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 13:39:01 UTC