Re: XML namespaces on the Web

Simon Pieters scripsit:

> Indeed, but it would be relatively easy to make the XML5 algorithm report  
> an error for anything that is an error in XML 1.0.

I don't think it would be so easy, unless by reverse engineering some
existing XML parser, which XML5 as written does not do.

> The DOM doesn't require a root element. For XML APIs that do require a  
> root element, you could use the XML 1.0 behavior for this case and report  
> a fatal error.

So much for the idea of all octet-sequences being convertible to XML.

> XML5 doesn't ignore the internal subset.

If that's so, it's not expressed in the algorithm as published.  I can't judge
algorithms that aren't written down anywhere.

Only do what only you can do.               John Cowan <>
  --Edsger W. Dijkstra's advice
    to a student in search of a thesis

Received on Thursday, 19 November 2009 07:27:48 UTC