Re: XHTML character entity support

Henri Sivonen scripsit:

> >As such, no further explanations or additional specifications are
> >necessary in HTML5.
> >
> >Am I correct in this?
> Not in my opinion. If predictably uniform behavior between UAs is  
> wanted and if we want to make it non-mysterious for implementors how  
> to performantly parse application/xhtml+xml content written for  
> browsers, this WG should specify normative entity resolver behavior  
> (i.e. mappings from public id and system id pairs onto streams).
> As a practical matter, if I'm using SAX in Java, I can't get a browser- 
> style EntityResolver off-the-shelf as part of a common org.apache  
> package. (Or maybe I could but I'm unaware.)

Emphatic +1 here.

                Si hoc legere scis, nimium eruditionis habes.

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2009 16:44:20 UTC