Re: Minutes for XML Core WG telcon of 2009 June 3

Simon Pieters scripsit:

> I think the issue here is that the XML spec doesn't define how to convert
> a stream of bytes into a parsed tree (in terms of some tree model -- HTML5
> uses the DOM as the model but this does not restrict implementations to
> use DOM). The XML spec just states what is the allowed syntax, and the
> mapping to a tree model is implied.

The Infoset spec does that.

> I also think it's an issue here that the XML spec doesn't say what
> an XML processor should do if it does not abort parsing upon a syntax
> error. 

No known XML processor does anything but abort parsing on any fatal
error.  In particular, making any further changes to the DOM or issuing
any further SAX events other than endDocument is forbidden.  See the
definition of 'fatal error' in 1.2.

John Cowan
        Sound change operates regularly to produce irregularities;
        analogy operates irregularly to produce regularities.
                --E.H. Sturtevant, ca. 1945, probably at Yale

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2009 17:33:16 UTC