Re: Editor's review copy of XML Namespaces 1.0 Third Edition

Liam Quin scripsit:

> Better might be to have a single document somewhere (it could be as
> simple as a single Web page) listing all such names, and then perhaps
> over time refer to it.  Otherwise everything would need t obe updated
> whenever a nwe xml:* was defined...

That's just what's being proposed: specifically the XML namespace
document at .  This currently
documents xml:lang, xml:space, xml:base, and xml:id. The proposal is
to also make it document the xml-stylesheet PI, although PI targets are
technically not namespaced.

All Gaul is divided into three parts: the part          John Cowan
that cooks with lard and goose fat, the part  
that cooks with olive oil, and the part that  
cooks with butter. --David Chessler

Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 15:52:53 UTC