Re: Minutes for XML Core WG telcon of 2009 July 1

Grosso, Paul scripsit:

> Absent organizations
> --------------------
> Google

Sorry about that: I'm on vacation, and when on vacation I sleep late.

> ACTION to Henry and John:  Update the DTDs and Schemas (both for full
> and simple conformance) so that the xlink:type attribute has no
> default (e.g., is #IMPLIED).

No action needed on my part, as RELAX NG does not support the concept
of default values (they are an infoset modification, and RNG doesn't
do those).

> But during today's telcon, we changed our mind and decided that
> simple conformance does not require href.  Norm has specific 
> wording in mind.

I look forward to hearing about this further.

De plichten van een docent zijn divers,         John Cowan
die van het gehoor ook.               
      --Edsger Dijkstra               

Received on Thursday, 2 July 2009 19:32:27 UTC