XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2009 January 19

The XML Core WG telcons are every other week.

Our next telcon will be January 28.

Status and open actions

XML 1.0 5th Edition
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xml-errata

The XML 1.0 5th Edition Recommendation is at

XML Test Suite
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xml-test-suite

Henry/Richard discussed the test suite issues raised by Frans Englich:

ACTION: Richard to construct a test case for these issues.

Namespaces in XML 1.0/1.1
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#ns1.0 and

The NS PE doc is at

Richard added some discussion at
The WG agreed with his direction and asked that he go forward with it.

ACTION to Richard:  Fill in a proposed resolution for NPE29.

See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#leiri

The WG Note defining LEIRIs is at

The following specs need to be revised to reference LEIRIs:
XML 1.0 6th Edition
XML 1.1 3rd Edition 
XML Base 2nd Edition
XLink 1.1 (First Edition)
XInclude 3rd Edition 

XML Base 2nd Edition 2nd PER
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xml-base

The (second) XML Base (Second Edition) PER has been published at
and announced at

The XML Base PER review period ended 30 June 2008.

The DoC for XML Base at

The lastest draft of the spec is at

ACTION to Henry:  Take XML Base 2nd Ed to Rec.

XLink 1.1
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xlink1.1

The XLink 1.1 Last Call has been published at

The LC review period ended 16 May 2008.

Norm has prepared a DoC at 

ACTION to Norm:  Update XLink 1.1 to refer to the LEIRI note.

There's an open question about whether the XSD/DTD 
should default the xlink:type attribute value. 
None of this effects our last call because the
XSD/DTD are not normative.

John asked whether we should have two schemas, one for
each of our conformance levels.
The notion was to have a schema for people who want to implement
the basic level of conformance, so they only have simple links.
For the DTD, which is just a sample, we just need a smaller
subset. Likewise, the XSD should include only declarations 
for the simple links.

ACTION to Henry, John:  Think about having a basic level
conformance XSD for XLink.

Paul asks us to consider skipping CR and going directly to PR.

ACTION to Henry:  Review the history and make a recommendation
as to whether we should skip CR and go directly to PR.

XInclude 3rd Edition PER
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xinclude

XInclude 2nd Edition is at:

ACTION to Daniel: Produce a PER-ready draft of XInclude 3rd Ed
with appropriate references to the IRI RFC for LEIRIs.

Received on Monday, 19 January 2009 17:44:49 UTC