Re: AssocSS issue 15

On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 11:25:31 +0200, Simon Pieters <> wrote:

> Without hearing any advice from Henry on how to proceed, I've gone ahead  
> and produced a draft this morning based on the consensus documented in  

A colleague pointed out to me that using CharRef could make the Legal  
Character well-formedness constraint be interpreted as an actual  
well-formedness constraint, so I've fixed that by introducing a new  
production instead of using CharRef:

    [5] PICharRef ::= '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';'

    A PICharRef has the same semantics as a CharRef in XML, except that
    Legal Character is not a well-formedness constraint. User agents must
    replace the PICharRef in the pseudo-attribute's value with the character
    it represents according to XML had it been a CharRef, except if the
    character being referred does not match the production for Char in XML,
    in which case the processing instruction must be ignored. [XML]

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2009 16:09:16 UTC