Re: xml-stylesheet issues--suggested resolutions

Grosso, Paul scripsit:

> Remember that SHOULD implies that an implementation needs to have a
> "good reason" to do otherwise (where "good reason" is, of course,
> undefined), so while an implementation isn't non-compliant if it does
> otherwise, there is still some force of standardization to follow
> the recommendation.

RFC 2119 specifically says:

   [T]here may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances
   to ignore a particular [requirement], but the full
   implications must be understood and carefully weighed before
   choosing a different course.

John Cowan
Does anybody want any flotsam? / I've gotsam.
Does anybody want any jetsam? / I can getsam.
        --Ogden Nash, No Doctors Today, Thank You

Received on Saturday, 18 April 2009 19:00:59 UTC