Re: request to review Element Traversal Specification

Grosso, Paul scripsit:

> >
> > Element Traversal Specification (Web API WG)
> > 
> > XML Core should probably review this.
> We have been asked to review this spec--any volunteers?

Okay, I've reviewed it.  It's a small additional DOM Level 3 API for
traversing a DOM tree while hitting the element nodes only.  What XML Core
has to do with it I have no idea -- anyhow, I found no issues.

John Cowan <>   
It's like if you meet an really old, really rich guy covered in liver
spots and breathing with an oxygen tank, and you say, "I want to be
rich, too, so I'm going to start walking with a cane and I'm going to
act crotchety and I'm going to get liver disease. --Wil Shipley

Received on Tuesday, 4 March 2008 15:03:56 UTC