Re: possible issue with LEIRI definition in draft-duerst-iri-bis-02.txt

Martin Duerst scripsit:

> It may be that indeed all or most of your specs want to reference
> LEIRIs. In that case (especially if it's all), it might be approriate
> to rewrite section 7 of the current draft to concentrate on LEIRI
> references (maybe as far as changing the title to Legacy Extended IRI
> References). In particular if it's all your specs, the rewrite should
> be straightforward. Please advise.

Reading "LEIRI references" for "LEIRIs" in the first sentence, then yes,
I believe we care only about LEIRI references and not at all about LEIRIs.

John Cowan
All "isms" should be "wasms".   --Abbie

Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2008 01:48:49 UTC