Re: changes to appendix J [was: Minutes for XML Core WG telcon of 2008 January 2]

François Yergeau scripsit:
> John Cowan a écrit :
> >Thanks for going through the document and finding all the bad spots.
> >As for Appendix J itself, underscore has to be specifically included in
> >suggestion 1 (for backward compatibility with old XML 1.0), and apostrophe
> >and its near-equivalent U+2019, right single quote, have to be excluded
> >from Table 3.
> Fixed.  Now reads:
> 1. The first character of any name SHOULD have a Unicode property of 
> ID_Start, or else be '_' #x5F.
> 2. Characters other than the first SHOULD have a Unicode property of 
> ID_Continue, or be one of the characters listed in the table entitled 
> "Characters for Natural Language Identifiers" in UAX #31, with the 
> exception of "'" #x27 and "’" #x2019.

All good.

John Cowan
[T]here is a Darwinian explanation for the refusal to accept Darwin.
Given the very pessimistic conclusions about moral purpose to which his
theory drives us, and given the importance of a sense of moral purpose
in helping us cope with life, a refusal to believe Darwin's theory may
have important survival value. --Ian Johnston

Received on Friday, 11 January 2008 00:31:41 UTC