Re: [css3-namespaces] upcoming last call for the CSS3 Namespaces Module

Grosso, Paul scripsit:

> Per
> it was "Selectors API in Last Call" that you reviewed.

You're right.

Okay, I've reviewed it and I see no issues to pass back to CSS WG.

There is one issue internal to ourselves: if XML 1.1 becomes deprecated,
we must decide what to do about Namespaces in XML 1.1, which is referred
to non-normatively by this draft.  Until now, that could be interpreted
as either "(Namespaces in XML) 1.1" or as "Namespaces in (XML 1.1)".
This issue should go on our long-term agenda.

I am expressing my opinion.  When my            John Cowan
honorable and gallant friend is called,
he will express his opinion.  This is 
the process which we call Debate.                   --Winston Churchill

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2008 19:19:03 UTC