Re: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2007 September 26

> ACTION to Richard:  Look at PE156 at
> #PE156
> and comment.

  Section 4.4.3:
  "If the entity is external, and the processor is not attempting to validate 
  the XML document, the processor MAY, but need not, include the entity's 
  replacement text."

  Should not the same apply if the entity is internal, but declared in the 
  internal subset of a DTD after a reference to a parameter entity that the 
  processor did not read? (See also 4.4.2 and the WFC Entity Declared of 
  prod. 68.)

This problem is not confined to internal entities declared in the internal
subset after an unprocecessed PE reference.  It (more commonly) applies
to internal entities declared in the external subset.

Section 5.2 covers this:

  For example, a non-validating processor may fail to [...] include the
  replacement text of internal entities [...] where doing so depends on
  having read declarations in external or parameter entities.

We could change that to "... declarations in external or parameter
entities, or in the internal subset after an unread parameter entity

I don't think we should change 4.4.3.

-- Richard

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2007 14:21:06 UTC