Re: XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2007 October 29

> Martin recently replied at
> pointing to a new IRI draft at 
> that contains a first pass defining LEIRIs.
> ACTION to Henry, Richard:  Review Martin's draft LEIRI text and 
> send email to the XML Core mailing list by November 2.

I have compared Martin's text with our earlier discussions, and it
seems to match with one exception: he excludes all of FFF0-FFFF,
instead of just FFFE and FFFF.  He has a note "U+FFF0-FFFF: TODO:
Check, give these a name, and explain".

I'm not sure what the issue is with these characters, but to achieve
our aim of not making a normative change to XML (etc), we need to
allow FFF0-FFFD, no matter how stupid they are.

If we resolve this point, I think we could abandon our own efforts and
refer to LEIRIs in our specs.

-- Richard

Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2007 12:23:36 UTC