Re: C14N 1.1 CR draft [was: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2007 May 9]

Dear all,

Konrad Lanz wrote:
> ... it seems as if some of the changes are included already ...
I have just seen the emails going back and forth, so everything seems to 
be on it's way ... please also consider the changed text suggestion I've 
sent ...
> Maybe the following text could benefit from using the term "document 
> order" because the ancestor axis is in reverse document order and 
> confusion may arise ...
>> Given this "join URI" function for |xml:base| [...]
> A draft ....
> [...] Let E be an element in the node set whose ancestor axis contains 
> successive elements En...E1 (in reverse document order) that are 
> omitted and E=En+1 is included. Then fix-up is only performed if at 
> lest one of E1 ... En has an xml:base attribute. In that case let X1 
> ... Xm be the values of the xml:base attributes on E1 ... En+1 (in 
> document order, from outermost to innermost, m <= n+1). The sequence 
> of values is reduced in reverse document order to a single value by 
> first combining Xm with Xm-1, then the result with Xm-2, and so on by 
> calling the "join URI" function described previously until the new 
> value for E's xml:base attribute remains. The result may also be null 
> or empty (xml:base="") in which case xml:base MUST NOT be rendered.
> Advantages:
> - index now aligned with document order
> - clearly expresses that E = En+1's value is to be considered too (if 
> exists it has the index m)
> - m <= n+1 clarifies that index 1..n may not correlate with 1..m
> Thoughts ?


Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2007 19:32:24 UTC