FW: [css3-namespace] XML Core WG's review

I just sent the following, now archived at
(and I'm already getting responses).


-----Original Message-----
From: Grosso, Paul 
Sent: Wednesday, 2006 September 06 15:11
To: 'www-style@w3.org'
Subject: [css3-namespace] XML Core WG's review

This is the XML Core WG's review of the 2006-08-28 draft of the 
CSS Namespaces module.  

1) At the point in 3.3 where namespace prefixes are said to be
case-insensitive, we'd like it pointed out (a) why this is so and (b)
that even though XML documents have case-sensitive prefixes, there
is no conflict, because the prefixes in the CSS need not be identical
with those in the XML.  (We realize you make this point later.)

2) Since this module is about namespaces, we believe it should make
a normative, rather than an informative, reference to Namespaces 1.0
and Namespaces 1.1.  Both are needed to handle both XML 1.0 and XML 1.1
documents.  In addition, the references should be to the undated
versions of these documents rather than to specific dated editions.

3) The last paragraph of 3.1 is very unclear.  We believe it is
and a consequence of XML Namespaces 1.x, that namespace names must never
be normalized in any way.  The reference to string syntax vs. url()
syntax is unclear to us: whichever syntax is permitted, no normalization
should be done.  We consider this a point that must be clarified in the
next draft.

Paul Grosso for the XML Core WG

Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2006 20:38:23 UTC