FW: XML Activity Proposal (Call for Review)

Please urge all your AC reps to send in a review of
the XML Activity.  Silence will be taking as lack of
interest, and might even mean we don't get re-chartered.

The review period has been extended to Sept 12, but that
is just next Tuesday.


-----Original Message-----
From: w3c-ac-members-request@w3.org  On Behalf Of Susan Lesch
Sent: Thursday, 2006 July 27 13:39
To: w3c-ac-members@w3.org
Cc: Philippe Le Hegaret; Liam Quin
Subject: XML Activity Proposal (Call for Review)

Dear Advisory Committee Representative,

This is a Call for Review of the XML Activity Proposal. W3C, as the home
of XML, carries responsibility for the core family of XML
specifications. Four Working Group and two Interest Group charters
expired at the end of June 2006 and need to be extended to complete
their work (XSL, XML Query, and XML Schema), or to provide maintenance
for existing specifications (XML Core). New work within the Activity
will include further development on XSLT, XSL/FO and XML Query.

The Activity Proposal with links to seven proposed charters is available at:


Please review the Activity Proposal along with the proposed charters and
indicate your support using this online form:


The deadline for responses is:

  5 September 2006

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact
Liam Quin, XML Activity Lead (liam@w3.org).

This Activity Proposal follows section 5 of the W3C Process Document:

Thank you,

For Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director;
Philippe Le Hégaret, Architecture Domain Leader;
Liam Quin, XML Activity Lead; and
Susan Lesch, W3C Communications Team

Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2006 19:04:49 UTC