Re: Appling inheritance rule to xml:base, was Re: FINAL minutes for the XML

On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 09:50:05AM -0800, John Boyer wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I think I missed something. 

  Okay maybe I missed something too.

> I am saying that when we *do* copy xml:base, it is *not* going to break 
> anything, and that we were requested to write the spec so that xml:base 
> *would* be included in this process because the authors of xml:base found 
> it useful. 

  I though the examples provided in the beginning of this thread proved
that a simple copy does not work.

> But you say that "Copying the xml:base when we know it's likely to break 
> should then not be done"
> Can you provide an example where copying the xml:base breaks something?
> I have not found such an example before...

  Cascading of bases, you can't just copy the value of xml:base on
an ancestor and plug it in one of the children without potentially
breaking something. That's why we had consensus during the face 2 face
that xml:base should not be copied. That only xml:lang and xml:space
could be considered of inheriting to their subtree without risk,
and only those 2 could be copied in the c14n algorithm.


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  | Rpmfind RPM search engine | 

Received on Monday, 6 March 2006 18:06:34 UTC