Re: Appling inheritance rule to xml:base, was Re: FINAL minutes for the XML

On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 07:58:18AM -0800, John Boyer wrote:
> But again, it's not a security problem that arises *because* of the 
> inheritance rule. 
> It is an orthogonal security problem, and an extreme edge case, that 
> authors could 
> experience if they *express* an xml:base (non-inherited) on a node
> *and* it is orphaned by a filter *and* the xml:base contains a relative 
> URI.
> While the inheritance rule has nothing to do with addressing this problem 
> (whether it should
> be addressed notwithstanding), the inheritance rule does remove a certain 
> number of other
> security issues, so there is certainly no harm in retaining it.

  Copying the xml:base when we know it's likely to break should then not
be done, I think it's better to let the user fully handle the case
than handle it half way leading to deceiving expectations.
  I really don't think xml:base should be copied by default processing
of c14n if we don't do it in a sematically correct way.


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  | Rpmfind RPM search engine | 

Received on Monday, 6 March 2006 16:48:51 UTC