No XML Core telcon 2006 July 19--list of open ACTIONS

We have cancelled XML Core WG telcons until June 26th.

See the last telcons minutes at
for more details.

ACTION to Konrad:  Make clearer what steps in the
algorithm in the appendix of
are the same as 3987 and which ones are different.
Also respond to Richard's email of 2006-06-29, Subject:
Re: c14n xml:base, draft for a solution

ACTION to Norm:  Create an XLink DoC.

ACTION to Francois:  Process PLH's issues with references
to 2396 vrs 3986 as errata and fold into the Rec-ready 
versions of the two XML specs.

ACTION to Francois:  Prepare a Disposition of Comments for
the two XML specs.

ACTION to Richard:  Process PLH's issues with references
to 2396 vrs 3986 as errata and fold into the Rec-ready 
versions of the two Namespace specs.

ACTION to Richard:  Update the Rec-ready versions of the 
two Namespace specs to refer to the (dated) 2nd and 4th editions 
of XML 1.1 and XML 1.0 respectively.

ACTION to Richard:  Incorporate your suggested resolution
of PR comments into the Rec-ready versions of the 
two Namespace specs.

ACTION to Richard:  Prepare a Disposition of Comments for
the two Namespace specs.

ACTION to Richard:  Record Anne's issue/proposed resolution
in the Namespace PE document.

ACTION: DV to propose new XInclude tests.


Received on Monday, 17 July 2006 19:07:40 UTC