RE: XLink 1.1 and SMIL animation


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Norman Walsh
> Sent: Tuesday, 2006 January 24 8:51
> To:
> Subject: XLink 1.1 and SMIL animation
> Bjoern writes:
> |>A quick review of the SMIL spec lead me to conclude that 
> SMIL provides
> |>a framework to describe what information items are animatable. In
> |>particular if a SMIL application uses the "animate" element to
> |>describe theh xlink:title attribute as animatable, then 
> presumably it
> |>is.
> |
> |No, SMIL defines in detail which SMIL-defined attributes are 
> animatable
> |and which are not, other specifications like SVG do the 
> same. In order
> |to make a XML+XLink+SMIL user agent one needs to know which 
> of the XLink
> |attribute are animatable and which are not. I'm probably 
> fine if XLink
> |host languages, should there be such a thing, are allowed to override
> |this, but this needs to be defined.
> And, indeed, 19.2.2 of SVG (which I somehow missed, I guess) does seem
> to do this.
> I'm open to suggestions.
> I'm inclined to say that the SMIL animation characteristics of the
> XLink element types are defined by the specification which defines the
> elements on which they can appear. Or something like that. Wording
> suggestions also solicited.

I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but how
does 1.1 differ from 1.0 in this situation?

If it doesn't, then I'm happy to consider this a PE
against 1.0 rather than a 1.1 comment.


Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2006 15:27:50 UTC