RE: Transition Request: PER Request for XML Base Second Edition


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Tobin [] 
> Sent: Friday, 2006 December 08 14:30
> To: Grosso, Paul
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Transition Request: PER Request for XML Base 
> Second Edition
> > All changes to the document
> > are recorded in the XML Base Errata document at
> > .
> That's not really true: the changes in the public draft are 
> mentioned there,
> but not the changes resulting from Michael Kay's comments on 
> that draft.
> Perhaps I should update the errata document to reflect the PER?
> -- Richard

Up to you.  Your choice whether you want to update the
errata document or you want me to correct the Transition
Request to read "All *non-editorial* changes....".

(I probably wouldn't really correct the Request, but just
make it clear on the telcon.)

Basically, let me know what you have done by the start
of the PER telcon, and we'll go with that.


Received on Friday, 8 December 2006 20:34:04 UTC