FW: Agenda: CSS Module: Namespaces

Are there any volunteers to review:

CSS Module: Namespaces
W3C Working Draft 28 August 2006


-----Original Message-----
From: w3c-xml-cg-request@w3.org On Behalf Of Chris Lilley
Sent: Tuesday, 2006 August 29 16:25
To: w3c-xml-cg@w3.org
Subject: Agenda: CSS Module: Namespaces

CSS Module: Namespaces
W3C Working Draft 28 August 2006


  This CSS module defines the syntax for using namespaces in CSS. It
  introduces the @namespace rule for declaring the default namespace and
  binding namespaces to namespace prefixes, and it defines a syntax that
  other specifications can adopt for using those prefixes in
  namespace-qualified names.

I request that this be discussed at the next XML CG call and a reviewer 
assigned (not myself, since I am an ex-editor).

In particular I call your attention to

   The terminology used in this specification is that of [XML-NAMES11].
   Do we really need this sentence?

and suggest that the XML CG might like to convey the desirability of
using the XML definitions of terms in this area as opposed to, say some
terms the CSS WG makes up. Thus, Namespaces in XML 1.1 should be a
normative reference.

A detailed review of thus useful addition to CSS (namespace aware
selectors, namespace aware use of attribute values, etc) is warranted

 Chris Lilley                    mailto:chris@w3.org
 Interaction Domain Leader
 Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2006 21:45:12 UTC