Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2005 Oct 26

We have an XML Core WG phone call scheduled for Wednesday, 
October 26, from
          08:00-09:00 Pacific time aka
          11:00-12:00 Eastern time aka
          15:00-16:00 UTC
          16:00-17:00 in Ireland and the UK
          17:00-18:00 in middle (most of) Europe
          20:30-21:30 in most of India
on the Zakim W3C Bridge, +1 617 761 6200, passcode 9652#.
We also use IRC channel #xmlcore on .

See the XML Core group page [1] for pointers to current documents
and other information.  If you have additions to the agenda, please
email them to the WG list before the start of the telcon.

Please also review our group page's task list [2] for accuracy and
completeness and be prepared to amend if necessary and accept it
at the beginning of the call.


Note, Oct 26th is still daylight time for North America,
UK, and Europe.  Our subsequent telcon on November 2 will
be standard (non-daylight) in North America, UK, and Europe.

Since our telcons are anchored in Boston time, the local
time should not change for anyone in NA, UK, or Europe.
However, I believe this means our telcons will be an
hour later local time starting November 2 for participants 
in India.


Paul sends regrets; Norm will chair.
Leonid sends regrets through to Nov 16th.

1. Accepting the minutes from the last telcon [3] and
   the current task status [2] (have any questions, comments,
   or corrections ready by the beginning of the call).

2. Miscellaneous administrivia and document reviews.

Chris Lilley asks about xml:base and IRI:

Norm thinks we should change the bib ref from 2986
to 3986.  Section 3.1 should say any xml:base should
first have spaces escaped to %20 and then have the
IRI changed to a URI per 3987.

We should have uniform language for XLink 1.1, XLink 1.0,
xml:base, xinclude, XML 1.0, and XML 1.1 (as errata for 
all but XLink 1.1).

There is some question as to whether we should bother
to make an erratum for XLink 1.0, but we did not resolve

ACTION to JohnC:  Compose some language for all the specs.

3.  XLink update.

The LC WD of XLink 1.1 has been published:

We have comments at

ACTION to Norm:  Reply as feasible and bring issues worth
discussing to the WG via email.

4. XML errata.  The published 1.0 errata document is [8], the
   published 1.1 errata document is [9], and the new (public)
   Potential Errata (PE) document is [7]. 

ACTION to Francois:  Update the PE document including
issues raised on

We have a couple issues in the PE document in countdown
until this telcon.

JohnC did a scan for MUST/SHOULD and reported at

Hnery would like to see a marked up version of the
document highlighting the proposed changes.

John agrees to do that.

ACTION to John:  Review the MAYs again and create
a marked up version with changes.

5. Namespaces in XML.

Richard suggested we take NS 1.1 and revert the two 
substantive changes (IRI and undeclared namespaces) 
to create NS 1.0 2nd Ed. The WG has consensus to do 
that, and we got approval from the team to do so.

Ongoing ACTION to Richard:  Produce a draft for NS1.0 2nd Ed.

We note that the IRI spec is now finished-RFC 3987-so 
we have to issue an erratum for NS 1.1 for this.  We
discussed some details of this under the XLink discussion:
Briefly, 3987 does have some wording (the "MAY" paragraph) 
about what used to be called unwise characters.  For the 
NS 1.1 erratum, the MAY paragraph doesn't apply since 
namespace names cannot have the unwise characters.  (The 
MAY paragraph will be needed for XML 1.* system identifiers.)

ACTION to Richard:  Process an erratum to NS 1.1 to
refer to RFC 3987:

6. Xinclude Rec was published 2004 December 30 at:

Our XInclude potential errata document is at:

Daniel has updated the Errata document at 

Elliotte's results are not
included in our Implementation Report at
as he reports in

ACTION to Richard:  Run ERH's tests through the other
implementations and add the results to the XInclude IR.

ERH's tests are in the CVS repository for the test suite.

ACTION to Daniel:  Run ERH's tests through libxml and
provide Richard with a report.

Richard will ask ERH for his results if he can't find them.

7. xml:id is a Recommendation, published 2005 Sept 9:

8.  Associating stylesheets--awaiting TAG action.

Henry reports that the HTML CG has been discussing this
for a while.  They are developing a draft statement of
the issue, and Chris Lilley will raise this at the XML CG.

Chris started the discussion on the XML CG list--see
The XML CG will continue to discuss it for a while.

9.  C14N is listed in our charter:

 Canonical XML version 1.1

 The work on xml:id uncovered some inconsistencies
 in Canonical XML version 1.0 (see xml:id CR,
 Appendix C, "Impacts on Other Standards"). The
 Working Group will produce a new version of
 Canonical XML to address those inconsistencies,
 as well as others that might be discovered at a
 later stage.

Glenn sent some thoughts at

He introduced the idea of "scoped" (inherited) attributes.

Henry wants to mention xml:space and xml:lang explicitly
as the scoped (inherited) attributes.

We don't need to use the word "scoped" or "inherited", but 
we do need to say that "the following steps" are for
xml:space and xml:lang only.

If we ever do add a new "inherited" attribute to the xml
namespace, it would not be treated as "inherited" by C14N
unless we reissue C14N.  (Norm points out an application
could still treat it as inherited.)

ACTION to Glenn:  Send out new rewording per our above


Received on Saturday, 22 October 2005 15:01:13 UTC