Re: Non-XML binary formats.

David Ryan wrote:
> Sorry if I've taken this mailing list off topic.

I don't think that your thread is off-topic, though some posts in it may be.

 > Having heard some of
 > the issues and reignited the old ASN.1 debate, I'd be interested know
 > what direction the XML Binary Characterisation working group are
 > currently heading?

We're almost done gathering use cases 
( and inferring properties that are 
useful in discussing binary XML problems 
( We've started documenting 
measurement methodologies to apply the latter to actual formats 
correctly, and are entering the part where we try to see if there's the 
potential for a solution that would address enough of the use cases, or 
characterization proper. Our final answer is to be produced next March, 
in the meantime feedback on the existing drafts is very much welcome.

Robin Berjon

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2004 04:32:02 UTC