Re: Non-XML binary formats.

David Ryan wrote:
> But I'm 
> surprised there is so little choice around for this problem; especially 
> given that the problem of developing and agreeing upon a data format or 
> schema is so fundamental.  Just to reiterate my question in a slightly 
> different way.  Is there no other binary format around, that is not 
> ASN.1 and is not a simple binary formated XML(ie A binary encoding that 
> is flexible and that has schema properties to describe the format of the 
> encoding)?

What do you mean by "a simple binary formated XML"? There are quite a 
few binary XML formats out there that do more than just replacing tags 
with binary tokens. Some use schema information to encore XML 
information in binary form.

Robin Berjon

Received on Wednesday, 1 December 2004 20:49:01 UTC