Three more criteria

After skimming the first public working draft of XML Binary 
Characterization Properties I noticed three properties that seem to be 
missing but which would be essential to a successful format:

1. Architecture neutral: the format should not unduly disadvantage any 
particular computing platform. For instance, it should not be 
significantly slower on a platform that uses big-endian vs, 
little-endian ints, 8-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit words, or that has a 
particular floating point format.

2. Programming language neutral: the format should not unduly 
disadvantage any particular computing language; e.g. Java or C. Types 
should not be defined around the native structures of any one language.

3. Human language neutral: the format should not make text in one 
language larger than it would be in its native encoding. For instance, 
it would be wrong to require UTF-8 as the sole encoding of text since 
this sub-optimal for many languages such as Chinese. However, it would 
be appropriate to allow individual documents to choose the encoding 
that's most appropriate for them. For instance a document in English 
might use UTF-8, a document in French might use ISO-8859-1, and a 
document in Chinese might use UTF-16. However, if only a single encoding 
can be chosen then it must not compress the English alphabet at the 
expense of other writing systems.

Elliotte Rusty Harold
XML in a Nutshell 3rd Edition Just Published!

Received on Monday, 11 October 2004 23:36:24 UTC