XHTML M12N publication is imminent

Just so everyone is aware, we are planning to publish the updated XHTML 
Modularization Recommendation on Thursday, 29 July.  I learned today 
that we are now permitted to publish Recommendations in XHTML+RDFa 1.0 
and include semantic markup.  In my ongoing effort to eat our own dog 
food, I have unilaterally decided to update M12N to use RDFa.  I have 
cleared this with W3C pubs, and checked the embedded RDFa markup with 
the chair and staff contact from the RDFa Working Group to ensure they 
are reasonable.  It all went very smoothly - so much so that I am 
pushing the changes into the PERs for XHTML Basic 1.0, XHTML 1.1, and 
XHTML Print when we publish those for review (next week I hope).  No 
reason those documents should not be included in the expanding web of 
semantically meaningful W3C Recommendations, right?

You can see the publication ready version at 

Any concerns or comments, please let me know ASAP!

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:shane@aptest.com

Received on Monday, 26 July 2010 20:39:44 UTC