Re: @rel syntax in RDFa (relevant to ISSUE-60 discussion), was: Using XMLNS in link/@rel

Ben Adida wrote:
> ...
> And if that's the case, then surely the language one uses (HTML4, HTML5,
> XHTML1, XHTML2) is well within its right to process @rel values, because
> they're *already* doing it. In fact, it seems impossible to hope that
> raw @rel values will mean the same thing across all languages when
> previous versions of HTML already have frozen value sets for @rel, and
> they're *not* URIs.
> ...

The Link Header draft proposes a single new registry (containing 
existing HTML and Atom relations) -- so no, this doesn't seem to be a 

BR, Julian

Received on Saturday, 28 February 2009 16:49:49 UTC