- From: Gregory J. Rosmaita <oedipus@hicom.net>
- Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 16:02:42 +0000
- To: public-xhtml2@w3.org
aloha! minutes from today's XHTML2 Working Group Teleconference are available as hypertext at: http://www.w3.org/2009/02/11-xhtml-minutes.html and as an IRC log at http://www.w3.org/2009/02/11-xhtml-irc and as plain text following my signature -- as usual, please log any errors, mis-attributions, clarifications and the like by replying to this announcement on-list note that since there were only 4 of us on the call, no resolutions were reached, although we did have a fruitful conversation on several XHTML2- and M12n- related issues... there were 2 action items assigned at the teleconference, both on me: ACTION: GJR - ensure that XHTML Vocab Document in sync with ARIA 1.0 Last Call draft are in sync [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/11-xhtml-minutes.html#action01] ACTION: GJR - send summation of modification markup discussion (this is what we need from a declarative markup point of view, a natural language point of view, and propose good practices and bad practices) with examples [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/11-xhtml-minutes.html#action02] finally, apologies to alessio -- i received his notice of regrets due to technical problems after i had dismissed RRSAgent, so his name is missing from the "Regrets" list gregory. _________________________________________________________________ - DRAFT - XHTML2 Working Group Teleconference 11 Feb 2009 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Feb/0024.html See also: IRC log [http://www.w3.org/2009/02/11-xhtml-irc] Attendees Present Gregory_Rosmaita, Roland, Tina, mgylling Regrets Mark_Birbeck, Shane_McCarron, Steven_Pemberton Chair Roland_Merrick Scribe Gregory_Rosmaita Contents * Topics 1. Getting Started & Agenda Additions/Requests 2. Action Item Review 3. ARIA and XHTML Vocab 4. XHTML 2 Issues 5. Modularization and the XHTML Family * Summary of Action Items _________________________________________________________________ <trackbot> Date: 11 February 2009 <scribe> Scribe: Gregory_Rosmaita <scribe> ScribeNick: oedipus previous: http://www.w3.org/2009/02/04-xhtml-minutes.html Open Actions: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/tracker/actions/open Getting Started & Agenda Additions/Requests RM: steven may on be able to participate via IRC due to attendance at Forms F2F GJR: ensure alignment of ARIA roles and XHTML Vocab document - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Feb/0029.html Action Item Review RM: not done the XML Events 2 related actions; shane not here to update ... not sure of status of steven's open actions ... haven't seen the transition request GJR: shane mentioned that he had 4 PER drafts in his regrets notice RM: don't think any actions can close today ARIA and XHTML Vocab GJR: vocab doc has gotten out of sync with the ARIA spec; PFWG will be voting today to send the draft at http://www.w3.org/wai/pf/aria ... noticed that there were at least 1 or 2 roles missing -- including the "math" role ... i emailed shane about it directly RM: point of section is whatever ARIA wants it to be; so what ARIA says, that's what they should be GJR: didn't want to fall through the cracks http://www.w3.org/wai/pf/aria 10 February 2009 Editor's Draft of ARIA GJR: so far only one missing for sure is "math" -- GJR will quintuple check <scribe> ACTION: GJR - ensure that XHTML Vocab Document in sync with ARIA 1.0 Last Call draft are in sync [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/11-xhtml-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot> Created ACTION-49 - - ensure that XHTML Vocab Document in sync with ARIA 1.0 Last Call draft are in sync [on Gregory Rosmaita - due 2009-02-18]. RM: ARIA document to go to last call MG: the ARIA spec doesn't rec the CURIE spec, right? impllications? GJR: as i understand it, is that the CURIE spec when we were drafting ARIA was under an existential assault ... bin of ideas for ARIA 2.0 includes support for CURIE RM: in default namespace -- doesn't need referrencing MG: all ARIA roles are going into the XHTML Vocab document http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab/ RM: yes ... pragmatic move on both WG's parts XHTML 2 Issues RM: shane not here, so may be tricky; could open discussion on INS, DEL and marking up changes in documents MG: discussed a few telecons ago -- decision to reintroduce elements in addition to defining attribute values RM: where should allow INS and DEL to be specified TH: inline content ... avoid unecessary SPAN to mark change with attribute RM: not sure that we came to firm conclusion; INS and DEL - what is its scope - can it nest new paragraph, new div, etc. ... put into text module was suggestion -- same module with paragraph GJR: so are we discussing retention of the "Flow" element concept RM: that's the difficulty; can only be used in specific places; if on containers, should allow properties on containers (sections or DIVs) that say this section is inserted or this is deleted ... might want both ways to do this; just add attribute to structural elements GJR: a) a means of marking editorial changes; b) a means of classifying an editorial change; c) a means of conveying when and by whom the change was affected; d) a recognition that things are not black and white, but a thousand shades of grey GJR: basis of my position is that a single element would be the easiest solution RM: my experience in XML spec easier to say, "here i am opening a new DIV and add attribute rather than using an INS element GJR: MOD or whatever would be the structural element <Roland> <div diff="add"> . . . <Roland> <div><ins> . . . TH: still good idea to avoid semantically empty elements in examples -- can we use P instead of DIV? RM: might consider semantically meaningless, but used all over the place <Roland> <p diff="add"> . . . GJR: a lot of mashups will be served with DIVs or as DIVs <Roland> <p><ins> . . . TH: can use DIV to cover a large section of modified text; too much use of SPAN and DIV -- RM: easier to think that i need new paragraph and property of P added and add other info with RDFa in the paragraph TH: only problem is more than one attribute needed: who did it; what was changed? RM: have that in RDFa GJR: agree TH: how expressed on specific element, such as P ... does RDFa have something that says this is what was, this is what new paragraph is; need more info than just "this has been changesd RM: much easier to use INS and DEL -- simple binary straightforward GJR: no problem with INS and DEL, but think need MOD TH: inline, use MOD with attribute to state how modified; want to avoid using attributes only for this so authors are tempted to use SPAN and DIV to indicate; INS and DEL or MOD fine with me GJR: understand and appreciate caution TH: MOD gets complicated - this is added this is deleted; MOD needs 2 sets of data -- what was, and what is; if can do with RDFa, fine, but don't think need that much complexity GJR: MOD springs from the diffuclty i have always when attempting to parse auarally a DIFF docuemnt ... was successful in getting the W3C DIFF generator to use INS and DEL instead of SPAN ... for spelling or grammar change do you really want to have both the deleted and inserted text even though 90% of content is same? TH: would say yes, based on fact that CSS word-wrap property -- MS suggests as arbitrary break point; in some languages, that can change contents -- can't do unless have dictionary in UA ... spelling change in document very subtle, but can completely change meaning of paragraph, would like to know what is there -- especially if something there, referred to and chaanged again GJR: one strategy for that is to use the global @src to point to the earlier wording in an earlier draft for minor edits TH: almost agree there -- INS and DEL or MOD are not set up for complicated document history ... agree with idea - use INS and DEL add history by linking to it, need to say this isn't a regular @src but a link to the history ... MOD with @src would be handled differently than on other elements RM: number of different themes <Roland> <p diff="add">I will.</p><p diff="del">I will not.</p> <Roland> <p diff="chg">I will.</p> <Roland> <ins>I will.</ins><del>I will not.</del> <Roland> <mod>I will.</mod> RM: INS and DEL, INS, DEL and MOD, or just MOD -- MOD alone not sufficient ... rather mark add this delete that ... MOD or @chg don't know what was there before, just know changed; don't have situation if have binary INS and DEL ... integrated and deleted in one place with INS and DEL, but not with MOD TH: RM's example very good; like to have revision handling mechanism spelt out RM: process of change -- delete or add things -- that's how keyboards work GJR: what about changing spelling of one word RM: old word should be deleted and new word should be added -- not change in letter, but in word GJR: i'm thinking about the hell that it is trying to keep up with DIFF markings especially on wiki pages ... course of last resort for sanity's sake is document source RM: marking up changes as much a part of good design as anything else, can be done badly or can be done well TH: DIFF documents very binary -- markup what taken out and what is put in; if have long piece of code or content to make sense in context, wouldn't work if each UA read paragraph, then stopped in the middle and says a word 2 times; but no more helpful if have to read paragraph twice RM: i would like it to read what i've got and there has been a change -- don't want to see diff marks in many cases -- choice by user -- show me the history, what has changed -- ... sympathize if have to use TTS to read a DIFF marked document GJR: strategy used to process a DIFF document aurally is an ad hoc use of a screen reader's "skim" feature, in which one can set basic font characteristic parameters so that only content that meets a specific criterion is spoken ... but in essense, that means that one is actually processing the content multiple times to extract what one would like to be able to parse in one go ... screen reader bug is can only recognize a limited pallate of color names, only Orca gives change to filter by color codes <Roland> <ins>dog</ins><del>dig</del> <Roland> d<ins>o</ins><del>i</del>g <Roland> <mod>dog</mod> RM: what would we consider good practice ... how to deal with questions: many means of doing this <Roland> d<mod>o</mod>g RM: all of the above examples are possible, but what is easiest to author, read, listen to ... prefer first method - inserted correction and marked incorrect spelling with DEL ... should be dealing with words, phrases paragraphs TH: prefer DEL before INS ... if have screen reader can filter it to ignore DEL <Roland> <del>dig</del><ins>dog</ins> GJR: that would work, and in addition if there was a cue from the AT that text is marked as INS, then a user could stop, and query for the characteriscs of content that is marked DEL to get context ... in flow of reading would want to suppress that, but still needs to be available to user on user request/query RM: still leaves question -- what happens when in middle of words GJR: have sympathy for word, phrase limitation ... would like to avoid internal use of modidifier element inside a word to encase a single letter or group of letters TH: agreement there proposed resolved: modified text must be at least a word? TH: speech browser should look for modified attribute on section or paragraph and skip according to user preference RM: suggest that GJR attempt to write up where we've got to at end of discussion as proposal for discussion next week ... much easier to work with examples <scribe> ACTION: GJR - send summation of discussion (this is what we need from language point of view and good practices bad practices) with examples [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/11-xhtml-minutes.html#action02] <trackbot> Created ACTION-50 - - send summation of discussion (this is what we need from language point of view and good practices bad practices) with examples [on Gregory Rosmaita - due 2009-02-18]. RM: short time left -- markus, could you talk with us about M12n and XHTML family Modularization and the XHTML Family MG: overarching theme: take XHTML m12n in a direction which caters more for language designers than it has done before; allow ability to express sub-sets of complliance modules being imported ... stumble upon idea working in DAISY context with XHTML modules, but believe has generic value ... changing scope of m12n in way that expands potential audience of framework ... embryonic idea is that there is a way of restricting sub-set-ability so not to allow content models that are distortions; conssistency of functionality ... discussed with Shane over phone; one approach: have abstract definitions which are currently tabular, add a column to show module where sub-setting is allowed ... need to try out concretely to ascertian how and if it works and most effective and balanced solution RM: reasonable thing to do; come across this difficulty when OMA trying to create profile using legacy module -- did anyway even though m12n framework doesn't allow -- technically not valid, but pragmatically workable MG: DAISY would do the same -- utilize XHTML module sets as language author; number of compliance grammers needs to grow by embracing this way of using it as well RM: grammar is small part of it; number of documents which will be valid against super-set will be greatly increased; grammars only a means to an end to create documents MG: risk is UAs being developed that cater only to sub-set RM: already in situation where UA devs support only bits in which they are interested already MG: fait accompli, true, just don't want to make worse RM: reached end of time for today ... any burning issues? GJR: will alert the WG results of ARIA LC vote RM: i will be on holiday next week, steven will probably chair TH: regrets for next week ADJOURN Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: GJR - ensure that XHTML Vocab Document in sync with ARIA 1.0 Last Call draft are in sync [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/11-xhtml-minutes.html#action01] [NEW] ACTION: GJR - send summation of discussion (this is what we need from language point of view and good practices bad practices) with examples [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/11-xhtml-minutes.html#action02] [End of minutes] _________________________________________________________________
Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2009 16:03:22 UTC