Re: Next steps for the ARIA syntax discussion

On May 15, 2008, at 17:23, Henry S. Thompson wrote:

>      Today                             At some point in the future

Do you have a strategy for transitioning from "today" to "at some  
point in the future" including a compelling reason why parties outside  
the TAG should invest their time and money into the transition and  
forgo the accessibility benefit that could be attained with a course  
of action that doesn't require an infrastructural transition and has  
network benefits from interoperability?

Furthermore, the whole point of ARIA is retrofitting AT-compatibility  
into the existing Web applications without requiring infrastructural  
changes, so requiring changes to the DOM and parsing infrastructure  
misses the point.

> Known issues:
> 1) CSS will not work for IE, _may_ be fixed in IE8;
> 2) GetAttribute will not work for Safari version 2.0 and earlier (but
>    works in 3.1);
> 3) SetAttribute will not work for Opera (but this is a bug against
>    the existing DOM specs. and they _should_ be willing to fix it!)

The aria-foo approach does not have these issues.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Friday, 16 May 2008 15:39:46 UTC