Re: Ruby

Hi Steven, all

Steven Pemberton さんは書きました:
> Hello Richard, I18N,
> Since XHTML Modularization 1.1 is about to go to PR, and that spec's only
> role in life is to add XML Schemas into the mix, we are now planning to
> rev XHTML 1.1 to include schemas.
> That means that we will shortly be producing a normative XML Schema for
> Ruby.
> The Ruby spec contains no normative DTDs or schemas, but has an
> informative link to the XHTML Modularization DTD for Ruby.
> You may want to update the Ruby spec to include a second informative link
> to the schema, in which case you should start planning for that.
> If you would like to nominate someone to coordinate with the 
> production of
> the XML Schema module, please do, but we don't think it will need much
> work.

I'm happy to co-ordinate with you. Note that for the ITS spec we already 
created an XML Schema including Ruby, though not using XHTML Modularization.
(search for xs:element name="ruby")


> Best wishes,
> Steven Pemberton
> For the XHTML2 WG

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2008 05:24:23 UTC