minutes: XHTML2 call 20 August 2008 [draft]

aloha, all!

minutes from the 20 august 2008 XHTML2 WG teleconference are available
online at:


and as an IRC log at:


as usual, any errors, omissions, mis-attributions, clarifications and/or
corrections should be logged by replying-to this post on-list...

note that 2 resolutions were reached at the 20 august 2008 meeting:

RESOLUTION 1: XHTML2 WG agrees to transition RDFa from CR to PR

RESOLUTION 2: add @media to the access module - using text from XHTML 2

and 4 action items were assigned:

ACTION: Shane to add @media to the access module - steal text from XHTML 2.
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/08/20-xhtml-minutes.html#action04]

ACTION: ShaneM to add RDFa attributes to script, style, and param elements 
in XHTML+RDFa implementation - leaving out was an oversight 
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/08/20-xhtml-minutes.html#action01]

ACTION: ShaneM to ensure XHTMLMIME is ready to socialize, then inform the 
group (and Steven in particular) no later than 22 August.
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/08/20-xhtml-minutes.html#action02]

ACTION: Steven to reply to Richard Ishida's comment 8044
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/08/20-xhtml-minutes.html#action03]

DELIBERATION, n.  The act of examining one's bread to determine
which side it is buttered on.
                         Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
           Gregory J. Rosmaita: oedipus@hicom.net
       Camera Obscura: http://www.hicom.net/~oedipus/
  Oedipus' Online Complex: http://my.opera.com/oedipus/
  United Blind Advocates for Talking Signs: http://ubats.org/

Received on Wednesday, 20 August 2008 14:57:02 UTC