Re: Meeting with SVG, XHTML, WAI people to move forward on ARIA as a cross cutting technology

Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review  Board
blog: wrote on 10/18/2007 09:12:56 AM:

> > Nothing cloak and dagger. Steven was invited and it is just a proposal.

> > My admin indicated that Steven confirmed attendance but he did not show

> > up.
> No I didn't confirm, so something must have gone amiss there. I am indeed

> on vacation this week (someone called me back to look at my email about
> this call).
Ok. I will talk with my admin.

> > I asked Steven if I should invite you and Shane last week and he never
> > responded.
> No, you asked me if you should invite Chris, and I did respond to that
> mail. Shane and Mark (and Raman) were on the Cc list of that and previous

> mails.
> > I am trying to schedule another meeting which includes Steven. You and
> > Shane are both welcome.
> If this has gone pear-shaped, then I think we should try and start from
> scratch again...

I have a call on Monday. I will invite Shane and Mark too. We can rehash
we did last time if needed. We need to all get on the same page.

> Steven

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2007 15:19:30 UTC