Role and Access attribute modules and namespaces

I recently saw a message that got me thinking about the namespace for 
our attributes, in particular those attributes that we "export" so that 
they are useful as attributes on elements in other host languages.  We 
have in the past had some concept of chameleon modules - in other words, 
modules that can be in our namespace OR imported into the host 
language's namespace.  I think that, in the past, we had done that to 
help people who felt typing "ev:event" was too difficult for their 
consumers.... or something.

Anyway, the role attribute module DOES NOT currently allow for this sort 
of chameleon usage.  Moreover, XHTML M12N really says that attributes in 
the XHTML namespace retain their semantics when they are used in other 
host languages, even on elements in those host language's own namespace 
(as long as they are referenced in a qualified manner, e.g., < myelement 
xh:id="someID" xh:class="someClass someOtherClass" > ).

I think that we have implicitly decided that, at least for these small 
modules like access and role, we are not defining them in a chameleon 
way.  But I also think that we have not really said this explicitly. 

So, I propose that we say this:  Elements and Attributes declared in the 
XHTML namespace exist in that namespace, and nowhere else. 


Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2007 15:06:48 UTC