Re: Getting Serious about WebID Bootstrap


i'd also encourage people in the community at this opportunity 
to use the technology we're preaching it to be the non-plus-ultra.

especially with sioc, skos and foaf you can more or less do any page you
want, there's no need for wordpress, drupal and the like.

check out what happens with this sample page [1] with firefox and
firebug (or whatever) to see all the requests and whats going on
(=sparql + template). 


On Fri, 2012-09-28 at 07:36 -0400, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> All,
> Bootstrapping anything on the Web requires technology implementer to use 
> (dog-food) whatever technology they seek to promote to others. Thus, I 
> would like to encourage every participant in the RWW and WebID community 
> groups to make a best-effort to start signing emails, moving forward.
> Naturally, these emails should be signed using an WebID watermarked 
> X.509 certificate. Certificate generation choices include:
> 1. Native generators that come with your desktop OS -- Mac OS X, 
> Windows, and Linux all include such a utility
> 2. Certificate generators from WebID IdPs -- I have a list here: 
> (ping me if you have a 
> generator that's unlisted) .
> Over the last year or so, I've written a number of how-to guides [1] 
> covering how to sign emails across all the major native email clients.
> Once again, if we don't sign our emails we loose a simple opportunity to 
> showcase the utility of WebIDs and the WebID authentication protocol. 
> Being able to follow-your-nose from a WebID that watermarks an email 
> senders certificate is a very simple utility showcase for both WebID and 
> Linked Data.
> We can do this!
> Links:
> 1. -- collection of G+ hosted howtos (for all the 
> major native email clients) covering how to digitally sign emails .

| Jürgen Jakobitsch, 
| Software Developer
| Semantic Web Company GmbH
| Mariahilfer Straße 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
| A - 1070 Wien, Austria
| Mob +43 676 62 12 710 | Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22

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| skype     : jakobitsch-punkt
| xmlns:tg  = ""

Received on Friday, 28 September 2012 12:24:22 UTC