Re: [saag] Liking Linkability

On 10/24/12 2:14 PM, Henry Story wrote:
> On 24 Oct 2012, at 19:23, Kingsley Idehen < 
> <>> wrote:
>> On 10/24/12 11:09 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>> WebID
>>>     A URI that refers to an Agent - Person, Robot, Group or other
>>>     thing that can have Intentions. The WebID should be a URI which
>>>     when dereferenced returns a representation whose description
>>>     uniquely identifies the Agent who is the controller of a public
>>>     key. In our example the WebID refers to Bob
>>>     <>.
>>>     A WebID is usually a URL with a #tag, as the meaning of such a
>>>     URL is defined in the document refered to by the WebID URL
>>>     without the #tag .
>> Where's the entry for WebID Authentication Protocol?

Do we have that?

>> Conflating WebID (a Linked Data URI that denotes an Agent) and the 
>> WebID Authentication Protocol (the protocol that leverages entity 
>> relationships semantics and PKI) will always get us in to trouble.
> I don't think we do. Can you point to parts of the spec that are 
> making the conflation?

My point is that we all doing when speaking/writing about the combined 
effects of WebID and the WebID Authentication Protocol. My point is that 
saying WebID when we mean one or the other leads to confusion. Folks 
don't instinctively parse what we are saying.

>> We shouldn't speak about WebID solely  when the actual topic of 
>> conversation is the WebID Authentication Protocol (WAP) and vice versa.
> The text above defines a WebID. I think it is pretty clear.

See my comment above :-)

>> WAP's been dead long enough for us to grab it if we want :-)
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen	
>> Founder & CEO
>> OpenLink Software
>> Company Web:
>> Personal Weblog:
>> Twitter/  <>  handle: @kidehen
>> Google+ Profile:
>> LinkedIn Profile:
> Social Web Architect



Kingsley Idehen	
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
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Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
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Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2012 18:52:41 UTC