Re: comment on telconf 07-11-2012 : turtle

On 11/9/12 8:24 PM, Jürgen Jakobitsch wrote:
> hi,
> on small comment on the turtle thing..
> i think, allthough it is important to align with the ldp-group, we
> should accept the fact that not every triple will be deployed on a ldp.
> remember all the experiments we had with blogs/rdfa, twitter, facebook
> and co...
> all these drupal/wordpress whatever webIDs could be excluded very easily
> and i think there are a lot of them also..
> wkr turnguard

Turtle, LDP etc.. are brittle arguments that are broken my a mere 
intellectual sneeze :-)



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Saturday, 10 November 2012 17:31:29 UTC