Re: Interesting Identity & Privacy Presentation

On 11/7/12 7:13 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 7 November 2012 23:39, Kingsley Idehen < 
> <>> wrote:
>     On 11/7/12 5:19 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>     On 7 November 2012 22:55, Kingsley Idehen <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>         All,
>>         FYI:
>>         .
>>     Yes excellent presentation.
>>     Still slightly difficult to nail down what is meant by identity.
>     Identity is a moniker for nebulous entities like "You" :-)
>     An identifier denotes an entity.
>     A document can describe an identity via content (e.g., an RDF
>     graph pictorial) where attribute=value pairs coalesce around the
>     description subject's identifier i.e., what you see in a FOAF
>     based profile document.
> Sure, but what I meant that the presentation is well put together, but 
> high level stuff.  You need to drill down into the details to build 
> systems that have consistent behaviour, which was what I found 
> slightly missing from the slides.

Sure, but I think the presentation was more oriented to identity and 
context fluidity etc..

Building apps starts with Linked Data as exemplified by WebID :-)

>     Kingsley
>>         -- 
>>         Regards,
>>         Kingsley Idehen
>>         Founder & CEO
>>         OpenLink Software
>>         Company Web:
>>         Personal Weblog:
>>         <>
>>         Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
>>         Google+ Profile:
>>         LinkedIn Profile:
>     -- 
>     Regards,
>     Kingsley Idehen	
>     Founder & CEO
>     OpenLink Software
>     Company Web:
>     Personal Weblog:  <>
>     Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
>     Google+ Profile:
>     LinkedIn Profile:



Kingsley Idehen	
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
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Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
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Received on Thursday, 8 November 2012 02:11:30 UTC