Re: What is a WebID?

On 11/5/12 6:35 PM, Nathan wrote:
> Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 11/4/12 1:18 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>> Our solutions are interoperable. Universal does not mean unique!
>> Wrong again.
>> The solutions in question (re. WebID) are no longer interoperable. A 
>> verifier will fault on a hashless URI. It will fault if a profile 
>> document isn't comprised of Turtle content. It will also fault on a 
>> non http: scheme URI.  You seriously regard that as interoperable?
> This is interesting.
> I viewed the constraints as setting a minimum bar for interoperability.
> Let's say HTTP + Turtle + Hash URI was level 1.0 support.

But I wasn't responding to constraints. My concern (hopefully allayed 
since Henry's post earlier on today) had everything to do with a 
definition that would goad verifiers into coding for hash URIs that 
resolve to Turtle content, solely.

> Then add in RDF/XML, RDFa, NTriples. JSON-LD to get level 1.8, add in 
> acct: or ftp: to get level 2.2, and so forth.
> Each serialization and protocol added to the mix increases the power 
> of WebID-protocol, this is a good thing, not to be precluded in any way.

Yes, but that's not how I interpreted the effects of the WebID 
definition pushed at TPAC. Anyway, as stated above, I think my concerns 
are now allayed following the session we had with Henry earlier today 
and his subsequent summary post.

> The Hash-URI thing is a different issue, there are multiple reasons 
> they have preference, but it's probably worth me mentioning why I am 
> +1 to having hash-http-URIs as the "default" for level 1: It's because 
> I see WebID as tying a URI to both parts of a key pair, the TLS side 
> binds the URI to the private part, the act of dereferencing ties it 
> the URI to the public part, and the public part is already tied to the 
> private part. If a slash URI <a> redirects to another document <b>, 
> then it's <b> that is tied to the public part, not <a> that's in the 
> cert. This to me, opens a lot of questions, and feels like it opens 
> the door to exploits, mitm attacks, and doesn't "prove" uri 
> ownership/control. Hence why I have a strong a want for #hash URIs 
> here. If there's no problem with the redirects and the proofs all work 
> out / it's all good, then I'm happy with either (personal preference 
> will always be hash's of course).
> Make sense?

Yes, I don't have an issue with Turtle or hashless URIs as the baseline. 
I only have an issue when they become rules that are forced upon 
end-users and developers.

I don't ever recall publishing a Linked Data example that wasn't based 
on Turtle (lately) or N-Triples (in the past). If you lookup some of the 
old SWEO archives you'll see how I've always pushed for Turtle as an 
alternative to RDF/XML for all RDF related examples in W3C specs :-)

I am only preoccupied with good interfaces and real openness. I believe 
quality always rises to the top, so I never believing in forcing stuff 
on anyone, the technology (if any good) will ultimately always speak for 
itself. Linked Data, RDF, Turtle, WebID has always been awesome, in my 




Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2012 03:03:39 UTC